project k 应用

現在地の住所・郵便番号検索 1.1
project k
ここドコ!?「現在地の住所・郵便番号検索」は、ワンタッチで現在地の住所と郵便番号、周辺のランドマーク情報を表示できるアプリです。面倒な操作は一切ありません!誰かとの待ち合わせの時、道に迷ってしまった時、タクシーを呼びたい時など、自分の居場所を誰かに伝えたい場合に、簡単に今いる場所を調べることができます。文字で表示されるので、人に伝えるのも簡単です!本アプリが日経トレンディネットで紹介されました!『“ここ”の住所が分かる、ただそれだけの意外な便利さ』【アプリの特長】①場所に応じて、一番精度が高い方法で位置情報を取得します。②必要最低限の通信を行い、電池の使用量を抑えます。③位置情報取得に必要な情報以外は一切取得いたしません。Here anywhere! ?The "address postal code Search You are here", is an app thatcan display the landmark information zip code and address of thecurrent position, the peripheral at the touch of a button.There is no troublesome operation!When meeting with someone, you can when you got lost on the way,such as when you want to call a taxi, is that if you want to tellsomeone my place, to determine the current location easily.It is displayed in the character, and tell the people and it iseasy!This application was introduced in Nikkei Trendy net!"Know the address of the" here ", just surprising convenience of itonly"[App Features]Get the position information in a way depending on the location ①,the highest accuracy.And to communicate ② minimum, reducing the usage of thebattery.I do not get any information except that required for the position③ information acquisition.
Right Brain × Left Brain 1.0
project k
"Let's promote collaboration between yourright brain and left brain!"What is the secret of cleverness?Is it that the right brain which manages intuition isdeveloped?Or is it that the left brain which manages logic isdeveloped?In fact, the secret of cleverness is not that one brain isdeveloped, but that both brains can cooperate smoothly.It is said that that Dr. Einstein had the remarkable cooperationbetween the right brain and left brain."Right Brain x Left Brain" is a game which enhances cooperationbetween your right brain and left brain.【Game Introduction】(1)Color × CharacterThis is a game which enhances cooperation between the "colorcognition" which is a domain of the right brain and the "charactercognition" which is the domains of the left brain.Can you choose correctly, without mixing up the contents and thecolor of a character?(2)Figure × CalculationThis is a game which enhances cooperation between the "patterncognition" which is a domain of the right brain and the"calculating ability" which is the domains of the left brain.Unlike the usual numerical calculation, the number is replaced withthe figure.If it is a number, you are an easy numerical calculation, but canyou solve?(3)Number × NumeralThis is a game which enhances cooperation between the "numbercognition" which is a domain of the right brain and the "numeralcognition" which is the domains of the left brain.Can you recognize the number of a numeral and numeral quickly, andtouch it?
大人の漢字力 2.0
project k
本アプリで大人の漢字力を身に付けよう!読めそうで読めない漢字の読み方を答えるゲームです。デキる大人が知っておきたい漢字を厳選収録しました。人生で一度も使わないような漢字ではなく、ビジネスでよく使われる読みづらい漢字、新聞や小説でよく見かけるけど読めない漢字、サラッと読めたらデキる大人と思われる漢字、そんな漢字を多数集めています。例杜撰→ずさん呵責→かしゃく訃報→ふほう剽軽→ひょうきん言質→げんち頓挫→とんざなどなど、収録総数850以上!このアプリに収録される漢字の読み方をマスターすれば、仕事でもプライベートでも、もう漢字の読み方で困ることはありません!デキる大人になるために、ぜひ本アプリを活用ください!You gonna learn Chinesecharacters to force an adult in this app!It is a game to answer how to read Chinese characters you can notread and likely to read.I have carefully recorded the kanji able adult I want toknow.Rather than Chinese characters, such as do not use even once inmy life,Kanji is hard to read, which are often used in business,Chinese characters commonly found in the novel and the newspaper,but I can not read,Kanji seems to be able adult If you read and kidnapping,I have collected a large number of such Chinese characters.ExampleSloppy sloppy →Pang pang →Obituary illegal →Funny funny →→ local commitmentAbortive abortive →And so on, recording the total number more than 850!By mastering how to read the Chinese characters are included onthis application, even in private at work, do not be stuck in howto read Chinese characters anymore!In order to be able to adult, please take advantage of thisapplication by all means!
右脳×左脳クイズ 1.0
project k
本アプリが、mobileASCIIで紹介されました!頭の良さの秘訣とは何でしょうか。直感を司る右脳が発達していることでしょうか?論理を司る左脳が発達していることでしょうか?実は、頭の良さの秘訣は、どちらか一方の脳が発達していることではなく、右脳と左脳の両方がバランスよく連携できることなんです。かのアインシュタイン博士は、右脳と左脳の連携力がずば抜けていたと言われています。「右脳×左脳」は、右脳と左脳の連携をトレーニングできるゲームです。左右の脳をフルに連携させて6種類のクイズに挑んでみてください。ネットランキングにも対応!他のプレイヤーと成績を競うことができます。【ゲーム紹介】①形×計算 右脳の領域である「図形認識力」と左脳の領域である「計算力」を連携させて遊ぶゲームです。通常の計算問題と違い、数字が図形に置き換わっています。数字なら簡単な計算問題、図形でも解くことができるでしょうか。②色×漢字 右脳の領域である「色認識力」と左脳の領域である「言語認識力」を連携させて遊ぶゲームです。漢字の内容と漢字の色を混同せずに正しく選ぶことができるでしょうか。③数×数字 右脳の領域である「数認識力」と左脳の領域である「数字認識力」を連携させて遊ぶゲームです。数字と数字の数を素早く認識してタッチすることができるでしょうか。④方向×文字 右脳の領域である「方向認識力」と左脳の領域である「文字認識力」を連携させて遊ぶゲームです。方向と方向を表す文字を瞬時に認識してタッチすることができるでしょうか。⑤大きさ×数字 右脳の領域である「空間認識力」と左脳の領域である「数字認識力」を連携させて遊ぶゲームです。数字の文字サイズと数字自体の大きさを瞬時に認識してタッチすることができるでしょうか。⑥色×数字 右脳の領域である「色認識力」と左脳の領域である「数字認識力」を連携させて遊ぶゲームです。色と数字を瞬時に認識してタッチすることができるでしょうか。 This app was featured inmobileASCII! What is the secret of clear-headedness.Will it be right brain that is responsible for intuition have beendeveloped?Will it be left brain that is responsible for logic have beendeveloped?In fact, not that one of the brain have been developed either, thesecret of the goodness of the head, I, such that both the leftbrain and right brain can work in a good balance. It is said thatEinstein Dr. Kano, cooperation force of left brain and right brainhas been outstanding."Right brain left brain ×" is a game that can train the cooperationof left brain and right brain. Please try to challenge the quiz ofsix to make it work the full two sides of the brain.I cope with net rankings!You can compete the score with other players.[Game introduction]① type × calculationIt is a game to play to make it work is the area of ​​the rightbrain "graphic cognition" is a region on the left side of the brainto "computing power". Unlike the usual computational problems, thenumbers have been replaced with graphics. And how can a simple mathproblem, to solve in shape if the numbers.② Color × KanjiIt is a game to play to make it work is the area of ​​the rightbrain "color cognition" is a region on the left side of the brain"Language cognition". Will it be able to choose correctly withoutconfusion the color of Chinese characters and content of Chinesecharacters.③ number × numberIt is a game to play to make it work is an area of ​​the rightbrain and the "number cognition" is a region on the left side ofthe brain to "number cognition". Will it be able to touch and toquickly identify the number of digits and numbers.④ direction × characterIt is a game to play to make it work is the area of ​​the rightbrain "direction cognition" is a region on the left side of thebrain "Character cognition". Will it be able to touch byrecognizing instantly the character that represents the directionand direction.× number magnitude ⑤It is a game to play to make it work is an area of ​​right brain"spatial cognition" is a region on the left side of the brain to"number cognition". Will it be able to touch by recognizinginstantly the size of the number itself and the character size ofthe numbers.⑥ color × numberIt is a game to play to make it work is the area of ​​the rightbrain "color cognition" is a region on the left side of the brainto "number cognition". Will it be able to touch the recognizedinstantly and numbers color.
図書館蔵書検索 1.3
project k
『図書館蔵書検索』は、読みたい本が借りられる、お近くの図書館を簡単に検索できるアプリです。全国の6000以上の図書館に対応しています!本アプリがITmediaで紹介されました!『借りたい本がある図書館を探せるAndroidアプリ「図書館蔵書検索」』【使い方】・読みたい本の情報(タイトル、著者名、ISBNコードのうちいずれか)を入力することで、その本が借りられるお近くの図書館を検索することができます。・図書館は現在地から近い順に表示されます。・ワンタッチで図書館の予約サイトに移動することが可能です。【その他】・本アプリはカーリルAPIを利用しています。・本アプリで利用している司書の画像はeri.様の著作物です。『虚像庭園 -garden of the unreal image- [.521]』
世界の絵画クイズ 1.0
project k
The Rolling Ball 1.3
project k
This is a simple rolling ball game!If you tip your smartphone, the ball will roll.Let's roll the ball on the fantastic various stages!We have some easy stages and hard stages.Let's practice this game on the easy stages in the first.Stages will be added rapidly from now.
Learning English literature 1.3
project k
While touching the literary masterpiece, donotyou study English?Is an app while reading a novel literary masterpiece, youcanlearn English in a variety of ways, "learning Englishliteraturemasterpiece".In this application, you will be able to trainingreadingcomprehension, force Japanese translation, Englishtranslationability, listening skills.I also speak English is perfect and instantly see the Japanese,aswell as training materials for English composition moment.Literary masterpiece that is included in this app is the workofAlice 4 Beanstalk The Little Match Girl, and Jack, threelittlepigs, wonderland.Features of this app]Can be read in both English and Japanese literary masterpiece ①,youcan enjoy the contents of purely English also a good way.English only ②, the display can be selected only in Japanese,youcan learn Japanese translation, English translation.Can be displayed in English, so shuffle ③, can practiceEnglishcomposition moment in a sentence without bias.It supports text-to-speech function ④, you canpracticelistening.Display [copyright]Work that is included in this app is the work participationGenpakuSugita project. Copyright on the translation is asfollows."The Little Match Girl"Copyright (C) 1999 Hiroshi Yuki (Hiroshi Yuki)"Jack and the Beanstalk"Responsible editor SOGO_e-text_library. Copyright (C) 2002bySOGO_e-text_library"Three little pigs"Responsible editor SOGO_e-text_library. Copyright (C) 2002bySOGO_e-text_library"Alice in Wonderland"
World Painting Quiz 1.0
project k
World Painting Quiz Game!This game includes 15 artists and more than 400 famouspaintings.Let's select the artist of the painting.[Artists List]Jacob Camille PissarroGustav KlimtPaul GauguinVincent van GoghJean-Baptiste Camille CorotAlfred SisleyEugene DelacroixJohannes VermeerPieter BruegelJean-Francois MilletClaude MonetPeter Paul RubensPierre-Auguste RenoirLeonardo da VinciJacob Izaaksz van Ruisdael